Weight Loss Medication

Obesity is a chronic disease that requires long-term management strategies to help provide optimal treatment and prevent other diseases that can develop as a result of obesity. There are a number of evidence-based treatments for obesity including weight loss medications that are available in Australia. These weight loss medications have been shown to help patients manage obesity especially if they are continued long term. 

How do weight loss medications work? 

Weight loss medications act in a variety of ways to help patients lose weight and maintain their weight loss. They reduce hunger and appetite and help patients feel full quickly so that they can eat smaller portions, make healthier food choices and minimise snacking between meals. Some medications help with food cravings as well. 

Weight loss medications for obesity are only effective if they are combined with sustained lifestyle change. Patients generally do better if they are also working with a team of health professionals such as the team of doctors, nurses and dietitian at Upper GI Surgery, alongside their GP and other professionals such as a psychologist and an exercise physiologist. At Upper GI Surgery we are committed to the health and wellbeing of our patients and are keen to support and walk alongside our patients as they manage their obesity well.

Am I a candidate for weight loss medication?

Weight loss medication can be used for people who wish to lose excess weight without surgery, those who may have experienced weight regain after surgery, or are having difficulty managing their weight long-term.

Adults with excess weight (BMI > 27) who also have weight-related medical problems (such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea) or adults suffering from obesity (BMI > 30) may be eligible for weight loss medication.

If you are considering weight loss medication, the next step is making an appointment with one of the doctors at Upper GI Surgery – they will discuss the medications for weight management that are available for you and choose the medication that is most appropriate for your individual needs. 

Weight loss medication – potential side effects

Most of the medications for weight management cause some gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, constipation or diarrhoea. To avoid this as much as possible, most medications are started at a low dose and increased slowly to allow these to settle, determining the optimal dose for each patient to balance side effects while losing weight to achieve their goals, set in consultation with a doctor.

How effective is weight loss medication long-term? 

It is important to understand that after a time, weight reaches a maintenance state and from that time the medication helps prevent weight regain rather than continuing to cause further weight loss. If the medication is stopped then it is likely that your weight will start going up again and over time you may regain all or most of the weight you have lost. 

This is because our brain remembers our maximum weight and changes the hormones to drive the weight back up again. This is part of the normal pattern for Obesity so your doctor understands that long-term weight management is hard at times. We encourage patients to reconnect with our team if their weight is tracking up more than 3kg so we can help before it tracks up any further.

Weight loss medication costs

One of the considerations to discuss with your doctor is the cost of weight loss medications as they are not subsidised by the Australian Government on the PBS. The cost of weight loss medication will vary depending on the specific medication and the optimal dose that the patient requires – increased dosage increases the cost of the medication. 

In recent times, some weight loss medications have been in short supply in Australia and globally, so you may need to swap to another medication for a time until the original medication is available again. (For patients – if this happens to you, please contact our rooms to arrange an appointment so we can review your treatment).

If you would like to speak with our bariatric care specialist about weight loss and weight management medications, please call us to make an appointment on (02) 9553 1120 or

Weight loss medication for weight regain after bariatric surgery

Although bariatric surgery is a fantastic tool used to aid in weight loss, it requires important lifelong commitments to a change in diet and activity levels (exercise) to be effective in the long term. Even with consistent healthy lifestyle changes, some weight regain can and does recur.

Typically, some weight regain can be expected to occur after 12-24 months, and while in some the weight gain is minor, in others it is progressive which can be very disheartening. From our clinical experience, patients who attend regular follow-ups with their clinic, tend to regain less weight than those who don’t come back for follow-ups.

If someone is struggling to lose weight they have regained through diet and exercise alone, non-surgical weight loss treatments can help them get back on track and lose the regained kgs. Weight loss medications can assist with things like hunger and weight loss while you work on some of the “triggers’ that have led to weight regain.

If you would like to speak with the Bariatric Care Specialist about weight loss and weight management medications, please call us to make an appointment on (02) 9553 1120 or

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VLED (Very Low-Energy Diet)

A very low-energy diet (VLED) or otherwise known as a very low-calorie diet (VLCD), replaces meals with commercially available drinks or bars. Used alone provides 600–800 calories per day, or in combination with a typical meal provides 1200 calories per day. Used frequently by specialist weight loss clinics, but requires supervision.

For long-term results, it is best given as part of a diet plan that will have the patient moving onto a supervised reduced-energy diet with exercise. It is one of the easiest and most reliable methods of rapid weight loss available if patients can be compliant, and is associated with the best long-term results.

At Upper GI Surgery, our Bariatric Care Specialist Dr Jennifer Matthei and Dietitian Tania Chaanine can discuss with you the option of a VLED to assist with excess weight or weight management.

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