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Live Q&A

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Bariatric surgery – your questions answered

Our Q&A is a live Zoom session split into two main segments: a short 15-minute overview of the fundamentals of Bariatric surgery and an interactive live Q&A where our expert Bariatric Surgeon will address any of your questions. 


Below is a quick insight into what you can expect to learn during our free Ask the Expert webinar.

Our Team

A quick overview of our medical team, as we believe achieving the best outcomes from bariatric surgery includes a team approach.

Why do people develop severe weight problems?

Understanding why people develop severe weight problems in the first place. Obesity is not a choice. We explore the reasons behind this (genetics vs the environment), to provide the foundation for why bariatric surgery is a long-term treatment for people who have long-term weight issues that can only be resolved with change.

How does weight loss surgery work?

Next, we explain how bariatric surgery works. Weight loss surgery can’t change your genes, but it can help you to change your appetite and eating habits.

How do we choose the right operation for you?

We will explain how deciding the right treatment for obesity, whether that be diet, medication or surgery, mostly depends on your own individual circumstances. We evaluate the risk vs benefit profile of the different options and your own personal health profile (health conditions, stage in life, your health goals). Including an overview of expected weight loss from different treatment options, and their long-term success.

Purpose & importance of follow up

Typically a bariatric surgery patient will experience rapid weight loss, often half of their overall weight loss in the first 3 – 4 months after surgery. Over the next 12 – 18 months they will lose the remaining weight, but how much depends on the effort of the patient, their age, and what procedure they have had. We explain how after a period of 6 – 12 months of ‘easy’ weight maintenance, approximately 18 months – 3 years later the majority of patients will experience some weight gain. Coming back for conversations around weight management is incredibly important to ensure lifelong weight maintenance and commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Bariatric Surgery Options

The final section of the presentation explains in more detail the different bariatric surgery types; from the most popular gastric sleeve to the different forms of gastric bypass and the less common gastric band procedure. This helps you to gain a better understanding of each of the procedures, how they work, and potential side effects and risks.

Q&A Section

After absorbing so much information, you’re sure to have some questions by the end of the presentation. Or maybe you already had some questions in mind and have come prepared beforehand. This is your opportunity to ask one of our bariatric surgeons your own specific questions and get answers straight away.

We run our Live Bariatric Surgery Q&A  sessions once a month, at 8pm via Zoom on the first Monday of the month. If you think you would benefit from joining our next webinar, you can click here to register and you will be sent the Zoom invite details and a copy of A/Prof Talbot presenting the webinar after you attend.