Bariatric Revision Surgery

Bariatric Revision Surgery

Unfortunately some people who underwent surgery for obesity in the 80’s, 90’s and more recently have not managed to achieve or maintain their weight-loss goals. Some suffer side effects or complications from weight loss surgery that was not suited to them.

Failing to lose weight and/or unpalatable side effects after surgery are problems that can be dealt with; these problems are usually the result of “operation failure” rather than the failure of the person who has undergone the operation.

In addition to “operation failure” many patients who have regained weight after weight-loss surgery have picked up “ bad habits”, putting them at risk of further weight regain should they have further weight-loss surgery.

If a previous operation has failed to give adequate weight loss or has resulted in significant side effect, it may be revised or converted to another procedure that is more suited to the individual.

In over 95% of cases this can be done laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) or robotically. “Re-do” surgery or revision surgery is typically more complex and therefore patients are theoretically at greater risk of complications and weight regain than others. For this reason cautious assessment and consultation is required for all patients who are considering this option.

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Why Choose Us

3 Years of Follow-up Appointments

Our patients benefit from having access to follow-up appointments with a Bariatric Specialist for up to 3 years after surgery, which is included in the clinic fee.

Over 20 Years of Experience

Our Bariatric surgery expertise is second to none. We have Australian-leading experience in many procedures, including the less commonly performed complex revision and robotic surgery.

Our Dedicated Support Team

Our welcoming and committed team is comprised of Nurses, Dietitian and Psychologist, as well as Admin support staff, making sure you are in the best hands for the duration of your treatment and the crucial aftercare period.

Multiple Clinic Locations in NSW

You can visit us at one of our many clinics in NSW - our main practice is located in Kogarah, and we also run clinics at St Vincent’s Clinic (Darlinghurst), Illawarra Family Medical Centre (Wollongong) and Orange Specialist Clinic.

Bariatric Centre of Excellence

Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) accreditation is achieved by providing the highest quality of care to patients as determined by an independent, external process of evaluation.

Bariatric Surgery Registry (BSR) Leading Contributors

We have contributed data since the BSR was first available in NSW and are pleased to report that our audit results are excellent. Audit is part of the “quality mindset” driving us towards excellence.