Endoscopic Sleeve

What is Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)?
Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) is an incisionless surgical procedure that uses an endoscope (a tube with a camera attached that is inserted orally down a patient’s throat). The aim of the procedure is to reduce the gastric volume of the stomach by up to 50 – 60%, as well as change the way that it functions.
Endoscopic Gastroplasty works not just by reducing stomach size but by partitioning the stomach into a slowly emptying upper part, and a normally functioning lower part. The ‘upper part’ (distensible fundus) of the ESG stomach ‘traps’ food, which then descends slowly down the main stomach channel, whereas liquids move more quickly through the main channel and also in between folds of the stomach created by the sutures.
The name Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) is unfortunate, as it suggests that the ESG is similar to the surgical gastric sleeve, which it is not. ESG has a similar risk profile to the gastric sleeve, however, ESG avoids removing or stapling the stomach, and the procedure takes less time to perform and works to aid weight loss in a different way.
How the ESG causes weight loss
The sleeve gastroplasty itself does not make you lose weight. Instead, it is a tool to help restrict the amount of food you eat, by affecting your hunger, stomach capacity and the rate at which you consume food. With a smaller stomach size patients have a feeling of satisfaction (satiation) or a sense that they have eaten enough (feeling ‘full’), after eating a much smaller quantity of food than usual.
Effectiveness of ESG in causing weight loss
Current studies have shown that ESG is effective at causing weight loss. The magnitude of weight loss is less than some surgical procedures, but it is certainly sufficient for many patients who may not otherwise consider themselves candidates for a more permanent option.
Studies have shown that people are able to lose on average about 15-20 % of their total body weight after 2 years. 1 in 5 patients will lose less than 10% of their total weight. Because it is a relatively new procedure, little information is available on its long-term effectiveness (more than two years) in causing weight loss, or on the long-term consequences of the procedure.
Am I a candidate for ESG?
In general, weight loss surgery is a good option for people who:
- are very overweight
- have medical or other problems caused by their weight
- have tried for several years to lose weight with other methods
- are prepared to go ahead with the follow-up after surgery.
Essentially, the risks of weight loss surgery need to be balanced against the risks of not having surgery. There are many different surgical options available, and it would be foolish to suggest that one solution will suit everyone. It is essential to know about the other options as well to help you make a more balanced decision.
Advantages of ESG
- Incisionless procedure and recovery is often a bit faster than other bariatric procedures.
- Procedure may not be permanent, as sutures are likely to come out over time, but is suited to a person wanting to lose 20 – 25kg.
Drawbacks of ESG
Every surgical procedure carries a degree of risk, and Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty is no different. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic which carries its own risks. In addition to this other risks can include complications such as abdominal pain, difficulty drinking, although more serious complications occur less frequently.
Download our
Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty
information booklet

Why Choose Us

3 Years of Follow-up Appointments
Our patients benefit from having access to follow-up appointments with a Bariatric Specialist for up to 3 years after surgery, which is included in the clinic fee.

Over 20 Years of Experience
Our Bariatric surgery expertise is second to none. We have Australian-leading experience in many procedures, including the less commonly performed complex revision and robotic surgery.

Our Dedicated Support Team
Our welcoming and committed team is comprised of Nurses, Dietitian and Psychologist, as well as Admin support staff, making sure you are in the best hands for the duration of your treatment and the crucial aftercare period.

Multiple Clinic Locations in NSW
You can visit us at one of our many clinics in NSW - our main practice is located in Kogarah, and we also run clinics at St Vincent’s Clinic (Darlinghurst), Illawarra Family Medical Centre (Wollongong) and Orange Specialist Clinic.

Bariatric Centre of Excellence
Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) accreditation is achieved by providing the highest quality of care to patients as determined by an independent, external process of evaluation.

Bariatric Surgery Registry (BSR) Leading Contributors
We have contributed data since the BSR was first available in NSW and are pleased to report that our audit results are excellent. Audit is part of the “quality mindset” driving us towards excellence.