Patient Journey

Your first consultation

Here’s what to expect from your first consultation with one of our surgeons or bariatric physicians:

Your History

we gather all of the medical and other information we need that is unique to you.

Share Important Information

your physician or surgeon will provide you with information about weight loss treatments including surgery

Treatment options

the physician/surgeon will focus on which options may suit you, depending on your requirements and preferences

Surgery Outcomes

we focus on expected outcomes from bariatric surgery if that will be your eventual choice, however other options are covered.


routine blood tests and other work-up is arranged

Information Package

patients leave their first appointment with a useful information package

If you would like to proceed with bariatric surgery, or find out a bit more about your own options you can make an appointment for your second consultation with the surgeon.

Your second consultation

The second consultation is with your surgeon. Here’s what you can expect from your second consultation:

Detailed discussion regarding surgery including which options are available and which will be your preferred choice.

A conversation about the risks and potential benefits of the option that you are choosing.

Paperwork for admission completed

You are invited to connect to our pre-op digital platform and are enrolled in the Fresh Start Program (both included in your surgery fees)

Pre-op Dietitian consultation appointment date is booked with the front desk staff

Your surgery date is booked with the practice nurse.

Your dietitian appointment

Included in your surgery fee is a complementary 2-year program with Fresh Start. The Fresh Start program provides support, education and coaching to help you create your new healthy lifestyle. We provide you with your unique log-in details and webinar dates.

Day of Surgery

When to arrive at the hospital – you will be given an allocated time to arrive at the hospital on your day of surgery.

When you arrive at the hospital – you will be given an allocated time to be taken to the DOSA (Day of Surgery Admission) lounge for nursing admission.

You’ll then be transferred to the operating theatre (OT) for your surgery

After surgery, you will be taken from the theatre to recovery, and then to the surgical ward

Hospital stay – you’ll (typically) stay for 2 nights and then will be discharged to go home.

A copy of your operation report and a management protocol specific to your surgery is sent to your GP to ensure they are kept informed of your journey.

2 weeks after surgery

Post-operative appointment with your surgeon or one of our bariatric physicians

Discuss your post-op condition with the surgeon

Explain any queries that you may have

Discuss the recovery process and expectations

Post-op dietitian appointment

Our dietitian will have a detailed discussion with you about post-op diet requirements and be able to answer any questions you may have about your new diet.

Fresh Start program commences

Included in your surgery fee is a complementary 2-year program with Fresh Start. The Fresh Start program provides support, education and coaching to help you create your new healthy lifestyle. We provide you with your unique log-in details and webinar dates.

Follow-up appointments

Unless you come in for follow-up appointments after surgery, you are losing the opportunity to benefit from the advice that we provide. This advice is based on our experience managing thousands of patients over years and decades.

 Follow-up appointments are scheduled for:

  • 6 weeks;
  • 12 weeks; then
  • Every 3 months for the first year;
  • Twice a year thereafter (for 3 years)

Appointments can be made more often if deemed clinically indicated. Follow-up appointments are included in your clinic fee for 3 years following your surgery.

Why Choose Us

3 Years of Follow-up Appointments

Our patients benefit from having access to follow-up appointments with a Bariatric Specialist for up to 3 years after surgery, which is included in the clinic fee.

Over 20 Years of Experience

Our Bariatric surgery expertise is second to none. We have Australian-leading experience in many procedures, including the less commonly performed complex revision and robotic surgery.

Our Dedicated Support Team

Our welcoming and committed team is comprised of Nurses, Dietitian and Psychologist, as well as Admin support staff, making sure you are in the best hands for the duration of your treatment and the crucial aftercare period.

Multiple Clinic Locations in NSW

You can visit us at one of our many clinics in NSW - our main practice is located in Kogarah, and we also run clinics at St Vincent’s Clinic (Darlinghurst), Illawarra Family Medical Centre (Wollongong) and Orange Specialist Clinic.

Bariatric Centre of Excellence

Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) accreditation is achieved by providing the highest quality of care to patients as determined by an independent, external process of evaluation.

Bariatric Surgery Registry (BSR) Leading Contributors

We have contributed data since the BSR was first available in NSW and are pleased to report that our audit results are excellent. Audit is part of the “quality mindset” driving us towards excellence.