Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us
As one of the only accredited Bariatric Centres of Excellence in Australia, and the only one with high volume experience with all of the bariatric procedures and revision surgery, you can be sure that no matter what your requirements we can tailor therapy to meet your needs.
With experienced nurses available to take your calls we can help ensure all your questions are answered quickly, without the inconvenience of extra clinic visits between your appointments or unnecessary callbacks.
As you will have invested a lot of time into finding ways to manage your problems, we want to offer more than just an operation in order to make sure we can help manage your health in the best way possible on a lifelong basis.
There are many services we offer that are unique to our practice here in NSW, and our experience with the more complex surgical and endoscopic therapies means we can offer treatments that are unparalleled across Australia.
We strive to deliver patient-centred care every step of the way by individualising your treatment with a wide range of options available to obtain the best results.
Bariatric Surgery Registry Leading Contributors
The Bariatric Surgery Registry (BSR) is a quality and safety registry. The BSR collects information on patient weight loss, change in diabetes status and problems related to the surgery, both in the short and long term.
The BSR reports on the safety and effectiveness of surgery and particularly focuses on the longer-term effectiveness. Our aim is to get >90% of patients having surgery onto the registry as a way of advocating for continued access for patients*. Looking at large amounts of data also allows us to know which procedures are doing better than others. Getting better data allows clinicians and patients to make better choices about which treatments are going to work out the best in the long term.
Audit is also a very important concept in healthcare. Clinicians who don’t want their results compared to those of others may have something that they wish to hide. Any surgeon who doesn’t agree to have the quality of their surgery assessed may occasionally be making poorer choices for their patients, this affects not only the patients treated, but also the reputation of bariatric surgery and other treatments for obesity.
Upper GI Surgery is recognised as a Leading Contributor to the BSR. We have contributed data since the BSR was first available in NSW and are pleased to report that our audit results are excellent.
Contributing to the BSR is not compulsory, it does take extra time and effort from medical teams to submit the information, however, it is very important. It means that a “second pair of eyes” look at our outcomes and can act as an early warning system if unexpected or poor outcomes start occurring, even if they occur many years after the procedure.
Audit is part of the “quality mindset” which is part of the drive towards excellence that not all surgeons share. It helps us compare our safety and weight loss outcomes against others and allows us to report back to patients about what their outcomes may be. Learn more
*The BSR shows us that the results of Bariatric surgery are generally excellent. It is well known to decrease the yearly risk of death by heart attacks, diabetes and cancer and also to significantly improve quality of life. Despite this, public hospitals still resist allowing patients to have it, and Private Insurers are trying to reduce access as well.

Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) Accredited Provider
Upper GI Surgery has achieved SRC accreditation every year since 2018. SRC accreditation is achieved by providing the highest quality of care to patients as determined by an independent, external process of evaluation. Health care organisations and surgeons seeking accreditation by SRC undergo an extensive self-assessment and on-site inspection. This process includes physicians, nurses, and administrators who are actively involved in the accredited program. The inspection is consultative and educational, presenting best practices to help health care professionals improve care and services.
An SRC accreditation helps patients identify and connect with elite healthcare providers who deliver the safest, highest quality of care. Not all health care organisations seek accreditation; not all that undergo the rigorous site inspection process are granted accreditation.
How does Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) build trust in health care?
Established in 2003, SRC is a nonprofit, patient safety organization that develops and administers best-in-class accreditation programs for medical professionals, surgeons, hospitals and freestanding outpatient facilities throughout the world.
These programs improve the safety and quality of patient care and lower the overall costs associated with successful treatment. Data, provided by program participants, is used to determine which treatments achieve the best outcomes. This information enables clinicians, patients, payors and policymakers to make informed decisions that improve health care delivery.
SRC believes that even the best can improve. Excellence is not simply an achievement – it is a culture that must be sustained. SRC has performed thousands of inspections throughout the world and is in a unique position to provide the experience it has gained to those who wish to improve beyond their accreditation.

Our Patient Journey
The first step towards a healthier life.