Obesity is a medical condition that has existed for centuries, and in some cultures demonstrating obesity is viewed as a sign of wealth and well-being. Obese people have accumulated excess body fat that is likely to have a negative impact on their overall health. Although obesity is mostly preventable, if diet, exercise and medication aren’t effective, surgery is then considered as a treatment option, in some cases a necessity.


weight-loss-californiaWeight loss surgery was pioneered in the 1950’s in America, originating from a surgery called the intestinal bypass. This procedure induces a state of malabsorption which results in patients losing significant amounts of weight; however this operation proved to be unsuccessful in that patients would then develop other related complications as a result of the surgery.


It wasn’t until the 1960’s that laboratory research conducted by Dr Edward Mason and Chikashi Ito which lead to the gastric bypass. During this time they developed what is now known as the original gastric bypass, which led to far fewer complications than the intestinal bypass. This surgery could then be offered to patients suffering from obesity and they would demonstrate significant weight loss as a result of surgery. Dr Mason is known to many as the “father of obesity surgery”.


Weight loss surgery has come a long way since the 1960’s; most bariatric surgery today is performed using keyhole techniques which lead to less complications for the patient and is practical for the surgeon. The recent introduction of robotic surgery used to perform bariatric procedures has further advanced the fields of weight loss surgery and the benefits for both the patient and the surgeon. For example robotic weight loss surgery can allow the surgeon to operate on a part of the body that is difficult to reach normally, increasing the chance of success of the operation.


If you are considering weight loss surgery or would like to speak to one of our team then you can find all of our details on our contact page. Upper GI Surgery is one of the country’s leading bariatric practices and has performed hundreds of successful weight loss operations.


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