We live in a very modern world with access to whatever information we require at our fingertips thanks to the internet and smartphones; not to mention tablets, laptops, computers, televisions! We rarely pick up a book to read yet download books to our kindles or iPads, and forget about writing in a calendar hanging in the kitchen when you can have a calendar that syncs across all of your devices and can remember birthdays year after year! Not to mention the wonderful world of apps, for example why visit a bank when you can use an app? Even if you’re not into the world of social media, you can’t help but be seduced by the latest apps for your smartphone, from playing solitaire to creating birthday cards!
Why are we talking about technology? Well we think that weight loss surgery patients can take advantage of this modern technology in different ways to assist in their long term weight loss goals. We provide support groups for our patients following surgery and our patients find that these are very useful, but they are held quarterly and often support is required in-between.
We promote the book “Your Complete Guide to Nutrition to Weight Loss Surgery” in our practice as well as other weight loss aids offered by the website www.nutritionforweightlosssurgery.com. This website not only offers an array of helpful books and products to aid your weight loss following surgery, but you can also sign up for an online support program. In our experience being in contact with other people in the same situation, who can offer advice, support and guidance, can make a massive positive difference to your weight loss journey.
There are also several apps available for your smartphone or tablet, specifically designed for bariatric patients following surgery. Apps range from diet tracking, motivational prompts, weight loss tracking and much more to keep you motivated and on track with your weight loss. We found a great website that has a list of their Top 7 Apps After Weight Loss Surgery, have a look and see if any may be suited to you and your lifestyle. A lot of these apps are completely free too!
Even if you’re not very tech savvy, don’t want to pay to sign up to online programs or simply don’t feel like you have the time to invest, you can take advantage of technology in other more discreet ways. For example now you’re having to eat differently following your surgery you may get stuck for inspiration in the kitchen; there are literally hundreds of thousands of websites offering healthy recipes online completely free. For example the guys over at Nutrition For Weight Loss Surgery update their blog regularly with recipes that are great for weight loss.
Weight loss surgery is the first step in achieving your long term weight loss goals, but commitment and dedication from you is what will ensure that your goals are achieved and are maintained. It’s up to you to discover the best way to develop a system or routine that will work for you and your lifestyle.