An important part of your post-bariatric surgery lifestyle change is exercise. We advise all of our post-bariatric surgery patients to enter into a suitable exercise routine to not only help aid their weight loss but to move them towards a healthier lifestyle.
At the time of writing this blog, the country is facing stringent social distancing guidelines which can restrict the normal types of exercise that many may be used to. Gyms are closed until further notice, outdoor boot camps are no longer available, swimming pools and beaches are no longer an option for one of our recommended low impact exercises.
But there are still plenty of ways that you can ensure you are still getting adequate exercise during this period of isolation as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Although there may be many restrictions that have been made on our daily lives, we are still being actively encouraged to continue to get our daily exercise. Getting sufficient exercise is more important than ever as our lives become more sedentary, and can help us not only maintain a healthy body but a healthy mind.
We are big advocates for the many benefits of walking as a form of exercise. Check out our Why Walking Is The Best Exercise
blog. When our days are limited to either being at home or going to work then straight back to our homes, getting out for a walk may no longer be something that our dogs look forward to every day! Make the time to get out and have a walk every day if you can. Start short if you are not used to walking, give yourself small goals each day. Then as you build in confidence, walk a little further and a little faster. As your confidence grows then maybe try walking up some more challenging hills or terrain.
Cardio – what you can do
Low impact cardio exercises are great for keeping your exercise regime strong during this pandemic. We have already mentioned walking as one of our favourite low impact cardio exercises, but there are many others. Although swimming may be difficult, how about cycling? Or if your local courts are still open, some tennis? Activities that will raise your heart rate will help to keep you on track with your exercise goals.
Activity Levels
If you are finding that you are no longer able to be as active as you were before, then try to increase your activity levels in general. For example, try taking the stairs where possible, and maybe walk up and down them a couple of extra times than you usually would. Even cleaning around the home can help keep you active, or if you have a garden then giving it some TLC can really help boost your activity levels. You’d be surprised how much energy can go into giving the car a proper wash and wax! Or one of our favourites… dancing! Blast away the blues with a bit of fun dancing at home with the family in the living room.
Strength and flexibility
Cardio as exercise is great, but what is also important is building your strength and flexibility. Don’t think in terms of heavy weight lifting, but start small. Resistance exercises such as squats and lunges are easy to do at home and can help you build strength. Try working out the upper body by simple lifting techniques at home, such as grabbing a bag of flour and doing some bicep curls. And then at the end of your workout, make sure to stretch. Stretch away all of the aches and pains of being sedentary sat at your desk or on your sofa.
Take advantage of the new online world
With the social distancing restrictions that have been put in place, the fitness world has had to move online! What better time to try working out from home, than a time when the rest of the world is doing the same thing. You can find some great exercises tutorials on Youtube or low impact exercises like yoga or pilates. Find a trainer that is offering Zoom workouts tailored especially for your needs. A lot of trainers and gyms are offering hugely discounted rates as they are having to provide their services virtually, so take advantage of this if you can, but not forgetting a lot of these online resources are completely free.
Exercise is not only necessary for the body, but during these difficult times it can provide a much-needed boost in endorphins and help to keep you motivated towards your healthy lifestyle goals. Try to replace your excuses with motivation and use this time to implement exercise into your new daily routine.