In April Upper GI Surgery was awarded the Bariatric Centre of Excellence accreditation by the Surgical Review Corporation (SRC).This is a renewal of our original accreditation that we achieved in 2015. Our lead surgeon A/Prof Michael Talbot and another of our surgeons Dr Gary Yee were both accredited with the Master Surgeon in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Alongside the surgeons two of our other team members, Dr Georgia Rigas (Bariatric Specialist) and Tania Matisan (Dietitian) were accredited as Bariatric Care Specialists. A great achievement from the team again this year
What is the Surgical Review Corporation?
The SRC develops and administers best-in-class accreditation programs for surgeons, hospitals and freestanding outpatient facilities throughout the world. These programs are focused on improving the safety and quality of patient care and lowering the overall cost associated with successful treatment. This requires not only input from the individuals that have achieved the accreditation, but is a reflection of the overall dedication by the entire Upper GI Surgery team who have participated by sharing the appropriate data during the course of a patient’s treatment.
Upper GI Surgery provide data from program participants which is then used to determine which treatments work best for which patients under which circumstances, as part of a worldwide pool of information that is gathered and analysed.
What are the benefits of the SRC accreditation for a patient?
Delivering the Highest Level of Care – achieving the SRC’s accreditation demonstrates the commitment and ability of surgeons and facilities to consistently deliver the highest level of care possible and signifies that we are the best in our speciality.
Improved Safety and Efficacy – all participants join a safety and quality improvement program. This seeks to identify and accelerate adoption of best clinical practices and cost-effective solutions.
Decreased Costs and Complications, Improved Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction – participants indicated that their involvement in the program resulted in decreased length of hospital stay, reduced complication rates and decreased ICU stays, leading to improved outcomes, cost savings and increased patient satisfaction.
If you are considering bariatric surgery you can find out more information about different surgery options on our website. Or alternatively contact our team today to arrange an appointment, either submit an enquiry online or call us on 02 9553 1120.