
Woman in denim shirt with turquoise background

Improving our understanding of weight is vital to our health

Obesity is a misunderstood health condition; what was once thought of as a personal choice is now a global health epidemic. People living with obesity are still often stigmatised by those who more than likely have little or no understanding of the condition and may...

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Weight stigma needs to stop

Everyday millions of people are living with weight issues and obesity worldwide. Unfortunately, the stigma attached is still overwhelming due to a general misunderstanding in our community. According to the World Health Organisation, worldwide obesity has tripled...

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The Importance of Long Term Team Approach to Weight Management

Following bariatric surgery, many patients start off doing very well in terms of their weight loss goals. However, significant weight regain does occur in about 1/3 people around two to three years post-surgery. The reasons for the weight gain  are complex but can be...

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