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There are many Easter food traditions around the world and amongst many different cultures.  Glazed cooked ham or hot cross buns may be more traditional in Australia but a leg of lamb is one of the most common foods to celebrate Easter in a lot of European cultures. Sweetbreads and often decorated sweet bread feature a lot on the Easter menu in many different cultures (think hot cross buns that appear in the supermarket not long after Christmas!). Dyed or decorated boiled eggs are often consumed in many cultures on Easter morning and of course, will make a healthy high protein start to the day. But you may want to watch your intake with the other type of egg – the chocolate egg. Allow yourself to have the occasional chocolate egg but with some boundaries


Making Healthier Choices

Whilst some of these Easter delicacies may not be modest in calories nor inducive to weight loss, you may want to enjoy these foods in small amounts. No one wants to feel deprived or miss out at special times of the year such as Easter. We can’t always control the types of food available during celebrations especially when they are traditional, but with a little preparation we can try to make healthier choices, watch our portions and possibly find some new healthy additions to our Easter menu to avoid weight gain.

Healthy Easter Eating Tips


Sharing larger portions or opting for smaller portions would be ideal to avoid overindulgence.  

Mindful Eating

Eat slowly and savour your food. Pay attention to the sensory experience: texture, taste, smell etc. Not only will this increase your enjoyment of the food but it will help control your portions. Remember it takes 15-20 mins for your brain to register satisfaction.

Limit Indulgence

Limit the days you splurge by keeping Easter indulgences to one weekend only. Do not stock up on Easter eggs and hot cross buns too early; ensure to buy only a small amount to avoid nibbling on leftovers for the rest of the week. It is better not to keep chocolates/eggs in the house at all if you can avoid it…

Avoiding Chocolate Altogether

Instead of chocolate, ask family and friends to exchange non-food gifts. Think of alternate gifts such as flowers, vouchers for a massage or haircut/manicure, a fresh fruit basket or even a book. These will still stimulate the senses but not rock the calorie boat…. 


Increase Physical Activity 

Be more active to compensate for extra calories consumed.

Getting Back to Normal

Return to healthy eating and activity after the Easter weekend. A few indulgences will not set you back too much – it should not be a reason to let go of your weight loss goals, rather it is how quickly you return to healthy living that will ensure success.


Some helpful thoughts to get you through Easter

“I can enjoy the taste of chocolate without feelings of guilt or feeling like I have ruined my diet” 

“If I eat mindfully I can know when my body has had enough”

“I can enjoy small tastings!” 

“It is okay to say no when offered chocolate in social gatherings” 

“If people give me chocolate I can always pass it on to others as a gift” 


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