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Gastric sleeve surgery is among the most popular procedures for obesity treatment globally. Gastric sleeve surgery reduces the stomach’s volume to 15-20% of its original size, making it highly effective for weight loss. On average, individuals can lose 20-35% of their total body weight. We have been performing this operation since 2004.

Why might a Gastric Sleeve require revision?

Despite the success of gastric sleeve surgery, some patients may experience challenges over time, such as weight regain or developing complications. The stomach and oesophagus can stretch and sag, and patients can develop new conditions such as ulcers or reflux. 

In general, these operations are like anything mechanical: the better you maintain it, the longer it lasts. If patients lose their initial enthusiasm and gradually stop looking after themselves and their sleeve it can lead to weight regain, problems with how the operation works, and complications that require surgical intervention. 

Unfortunately, being compliant and sensible does not guarantee a hassle-free gastric sleeve, although it will reduce the risk of problems by about 75%. In general, between about 10 – 30% of patients having any type of bariatric surgery will require later surgery to treat complications or weight regain. One of the main reasons patients should return to their surgeon for follow-up is to reduce the risk of repeat surgery and to notice and treat any problems early.

eating out after bariatric surgery
Prof Michael Talbot

Gastric Sleeve Revision Options

Depending on the individual needs and the nature of their issue, several options are available for gastric sleeve revision:

Resleeving: This involves reducing the stomach size again, recommended when the stomach has stretched and led to weight regain.

Conversion to Gastric Bypass: If the patient experiences severe reflux or needs further weight loss, converting the gastric sleeve to a gastric bypass may be an option. This can help address reflux and provide additional weight loss benefits.

Eating habits, weight regain patterns, and symptoms like reflux or hernias will also be considered when deciding the best revision option. 

While gastric sleeve surgery is intended to provide long-term weight loss, some patients may face challenges over time. Gastric sleeve revision surgery provides options for patients who have experienced weight regain or complications. If you’d like to speak to one of the UGIS bariatric surgeons to determine the most appropriate course of action based on your specific circumstances please contact our team today – you can book an appointment online or call the practice on (02) 9553 1120. 


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