While the situation with Covid 19 is changing on a daily basis, we can assume that our usual way of doing medicine is about to change for a while. In particular, non-essential Hospital and Clinic appointments are going to need to be cut back to maintain social distancing.

Covid 19 is not the only health problem in Australia however, so our patients are still going to require their usual medical treatments. It’s also likely that many will delay seeking medical help for a range of symptoms in order to distance themselves from others seeking medical care. With this in mind we will need to find a way to help patients presenting with important symptoms, before they deteriorate sufficiently for them to require being sent to A + E.

At Upper GI Surgery we have been providing telemedicine consults to remote patients for several years, and the new Medicare item numbers make this easier still. During this Covid crisis, we intend to maintain staffing in order for patients to keep their usual appointments, but also to provide a semi-emergency service for patients with general surgical symptoms and problems. 

If you fax any urgent requests to us we will be able to offer an appointment Monday-Friday within 24 hours.

While we are a specialist practice, there is sufficient expertise within the team to cover a range of conditions.

  • Oesophageal Symptoms. Dysphagia, reflux, large hiatus hernia.
  • Epigastric symptoms. Gallstones, Ulcer disease, Jaundice and bile duct pathology (ERCP).
  • Abdominal Pain. Hernia, appendicitis etc.
  • Morbid Obesity and its complications including Bariatric surgery, routine follow up and management of complications.

While routine appointments will be dealt with more electively, please fax any urgent appointment requests through to 022 9553 7526.


Yours sincerely


A/Prof Michael Talbot. Surgeon.

Dr Gary Yee. Surgeon.

Dr Jason Maani. Surgeon.

Dr Georgia Rigas. Bariatric practitioner.

Dr Jenni Matthei. Bariatric practitioner.


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