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Can I get pregnant following bariatric surgery?  


This is a question we are commonly asked. Following bariatric surgery, most women find their fertility rapidly improves. So much may your fertility improve over the first couple of months that it may be possible to fall pregnant even when taking your usual contraception. This would clearly halt any weight loss and may cause problems for your unborn child so care with contraception and considering adding barrier methods is an important part of your post surgical care.

How long should you wait before getting pregnant after bariatric surgery?  


We recommend that you wait at least 12 – 18 months after bariatric surgery before trying to conceive/getting pregnant. In the first 18 months following your surgery (depending on your bariatric surgery procedure) you will be losing weight quickly, placing considerable stress on your body as it undergoes many changes in both nutrition and weight. You will also be focusing on achieving certain weight loss goals, so it’s important to know that when you fall pregnant you will stop losing weight, and while weight maintenance is possible, it is very uncommon for people to get below their pre-pregnancy weight after they have had a baby. 

If you fall pregnant too early, or if you haven’t been taking your multivitamins there is a risk that either you or your baby may become malnourished. Women who are still losing weight are prone to having smaller than normal babies and nutritional disturbances can lead to anaemia, reduced bone strength and other problems. While all women should be taking pre-conception multivitamins to reduce the risk of congenital defects in their children, this is of greater importance in women who have had bariatric surgery as they may have quite significant deficiencies in their vitamin and mineral levels without being aware that there is a problem.  

We recommend postponing conceiving until your post bariatric surgery weight has stabilised, taking vitamin supplements and having a conversation about pre-conception planning with both your GP and your bariatric specialist. 

If you become pregnant any time after your surgery please contact your bariatric specialist as soon as you know so they can adjust your diet and medication.  


Pregnancy planning following bariatric surgery 


Not only do your chances of conceiving increase following surgery due to weight loss, your pregnancy will also be safer than before, due to reductions in risks of diabetes, high blood pressure and the risks associated with giving birth when very overweight. After 18 months post surgery, the risks of pregnancy reduce to be similar to those of “normal weight” women.  

You should speak to your bariatric specialist to discuss any changes to your diet that may be needed in advance of conceiving and for when you are pregnant, as well as any changes in your medication or vitamin supplements.  


Changes to your body image during and after pregnancy 

Women gain weight during pregnancy and their bodies go through significant changes. This can be hard to deal with after you have spent a lot of effort to lose weight after bariatric surgery. It is important to remember that the weight gain is natural, and that focus should be on the health of you and your baby during this time. Most of the increase in weight during pregnancy is “baby weight” and water, so as long as there is a weight management plan for the your pregnancy and post-pregnancy period you should be able to return to your pre-conception weight. 

Once you have given birth you can then work with your bariatric specialist, doctor or dietitian to put together a plan to help you return to your post bariatric surgery/pre pregnancy weight. It is important to ensure you get yourself back on track with regards to a healthy lifestyle following pregnancy, making sure you have a balanced diet, are getting all of the vitamins and nutrients you need as well as exercising regularly. 

1 Comment

  1. Shell

    How long after surgery would I be able to start IVF?


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