Recommended Apps for Post Bariatric Surgery PatientsÂ
Bariatric surgery is the first step towards a healthier lifestyle for our patients, ahead of them is a journey requiring significant changes to diet and lifestyle to support weight loss. We are fortunate that in 2021 we have access to amazing advances in technology...
What can cause overweight or obesity?
It is a common misconception by society that obesity is a simple combination of eating too much and not being physically active, and that if an individual is overweight or obese that they only have themselves to blame. This has, unfortunately, lead to a nasty stigma...
Exercise for bariatric patients during isolation
An important part of your post-bariatric surgery lifestyle change is exercise. We advise all of our post-bariatric surgery patients to enter into a suitable exercise routine to not only help aid their weight loss but to move them towards a healthier lifestyle. ...
How to stay safe from Corona virus if you have a weight problem
People who are overweight or obese have a number of issues that make them potentially more vulnerable to Covid based severe illness should they catch the virus. Increased adipose tissue increases how much Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) your body produces. This...
How to manage your post bariatric surgery diet during lockdown
2020 was off to a rocky start here in Australia, with the country suffering through some of the most devastating bush fires we have ever experienced. Then came the rain, and the nation let out a collective sigh of relief. Little did we know that it was a precursor to...
World Obesity Day, Wednesday 4th March 2020
People with obesity are constantly shamed and blamed for their disease. This is because many people - including doctors, policymakers, and others - do not understand that obesity is a chronic disease. They see it as a simple lack of willpower, laziness, or a...