What’s in your kitchen?
The kitchen is said to be the heart of the family home; for a lot of our patients the kitchen poses the biggest problem when it comes down to following healthy eating plans following weight loss surgery. There are lots of different reasons why the kitchen can become...
Eating Meals During Ramadan After Weight Loss Surgery
“Eat of the good and wholesome things that We have provided for your sustenance, but indulge in no excess therein” (Qur’an 20:185) Quoted directly from the Qur’an, Ramadan is not an excuse to overeat when you can eat, or consume foods that have little to no substance...
Quick Tips for Ramadan and Fasting After Weight Loss Surgery
Quick Tips for Ramadan and Fasting After Weight Loss Surgery Don’t fall off the weight loss wagon, using Ramadan as the excuse that pushed you off! It’s important to continue eating your normal healthy diet. All of your meal should remain based on lean protein foods...
Making the most of a smaller stomach following weight loss surgery
Depending on the weight loss procedure your surgeon recommends as part of your treatment, the result is generally the same; your ability to eat large quantities of food and liquids will be greatly reduced, forcing you to change your eating habits (for the immediate...
Surviving Easter Celebrations!
No one wants to feel deprived or miss out at special times of the year such as Easter. We can't always control the types of food available during celebrations but, with a little preparation, we can try to make healthier choices and watch our portions to avoid weight...