Healthy Eating & Exercise

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Dos and Don’ts this festive period for bariatric patients

Dos and Don’ts this festive period for bariatric patients

Over the years we have published many blogs around this time of year, to help our bariatric surgery patients navigate this potentially difficult time of year. If you’ve had bariatric surgery whether recently or some time ago, it's important even at Christmas, Hannukah...

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What’s dumping syndrome?

What’s dumping syndrome?

If you’re considering bariatric surgery as a tool to aid weight loss, there are many factors to consider, including risks, before you commit to surgery. Dumping syndrome is quite common among patients who have had stomach surgery, occurring when undigested food passes...

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Healthy eating after bariatric surgery on a budget

Healthy eating after bariatric surgery on a budget

Have you noticed that your weekly shopping costs seem to be slowly increasing once you reach the checkout? According to Forbes, the federal government and Reserve Bank have forecast that inflation in Australia will peak at 7.75% in the December quarter of 2022. As a...

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Why protein is important after weight loss surgery

Why protein is important after weight loss surgery

Weight loss surgery is an effective tool to help you achieve weight loss, but long-term success is determined by diet and lifestyle changes. After surgery the focus should be on sustainable eating and exercise habits, maintenance of nutrition by eating healthy foods...

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Non-surgical obesity treatment options

Non-surgical obesity treatment options

Obesity treatment Obesity for most people seems to be irreversible. A person wanting to lose weight (permanently) will need to significantly reduce their food intake, below that of their friends and family, in an environment where food is readily available and others...

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Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar – what you need to know

Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar – what you need to know

If you’ve visited the weight loss surgery section of our website or followed us on social media, you have probably encountered the promotion of our Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar. If you or a loved one are living with obesity and considering bariatric surgery...

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