Part of our day to day activity at Upper GI Surgery is looking after patients with various upper gastrointestinal problems, not just bariatric patients. This includes upper gastrointestinal cancers such as pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, oesophageal cancer, reflux treatments, as well as various types of hernia treatment.

There are several types of hernia that we treat at Upper GI Surgery; you can find a detailed description of each hernia including the treatment options on our website. We have provided a quick summary below:

Hiatus Hernia: a hiatus hernia often occurs when the opening in the diaphragm is too large, and the stomach (or other abdominal contents) may bulge into the chest. This can cause reflux, trouble swallowing and even chest pain.

Umbilical Hernia: an umbilical hernia occurs around the navel and are can be caused by weakened muscles or ligaments. These are a common type of hernia.

Incisional Hernia: an incisional hernia occurs at the site of a previous operation in the form of a bulge, this can range from one to two cm in size or a massive and debilitating defect that requires complex surgery.

Inguinal Hernia: this type of hernia is common and most patients suffering from an inguinal hernia will seek to have them repaired as they cause discomfort and can continue to grow over time, which can make them difficult to live with as well as more difficult to repair.

Hernia treatment depends on the type of hernia that you have, as well as the size/condition of the hernia and your general health. You need to seek professional medical advice before deciding to proceed with hernia treatment as it is not always simple and straightforward.

Hernias are a common problem amongst people of all ages, men and women alike. If you have a hernia that requires treatment and would like to speak to someone about your options then get in touch with our team on (02) 9553 1120 or you can submit a contact form online.


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