Lifestyle Considerations

Woman in denim shirt with turquoise background
Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar – what you need to know

Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar – what you need to know

If you’ve visited the weight loss surgery section of our website or followed us on social media, you have probably encountered the promotion of our Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar. If you or a loved one are living with obesity and considering bariatric surgery...

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Eating healthy when eating out after bariatric surgery

Eating healthy when eating out after bariatric surgery

Following bariatric surgery, the changes to diet can be quite challenging for a lot of people. Weight loss surgery is designed to change the way you consume food and some procedures even permanently alter the way your body processes food. So what you choose to eat...

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Saying no to soft drinks after bariatric surgery

Saying no to soft drinks after bariatric surgery

It's very easy to consume more calories than you may expect throughout the day. Whether you’re picking at your children’s food while you’re preparing their lunches, having a sneaky teaspoon of sugar in your morning coffee or having a nice cool refreshing can of soft...

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World Obesity Day 2022 | Everybody Needs to Act

World Obesity Day 2022 | Everybody Needs to Act

Today is World Obesity Day, an annual worldwide event held on the 4th of March each year to raise awareness of obesity and challenge change in society to address this growing problem. 800 million people are living with obesity around the world, and together we can be...

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How to stay safe from COVID-19 if you have a weight problem

How to stay safe from COVID-19 if you have a weight problem

People who are overweight or living with obesity that become infected with Covid-19 have a number of issues that potentially make them more vulnerable to severe illness. Increased adipose tissue increases how much Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) your body...

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Eating tips during lockdown following bariatric surgery

Eating tips during lockdown following bariatric surgery

Eating tips during lockdown following bariatric surgery With Sydney facing lockdown until at least the 28th of August, knowing that we are not alone while other states continue to go in and out of different levels of social restrictions, these uncertain times have...

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