How to stay safe from Corona virus if you have a weight problem
People who are overweight or obese have a number of issues that make them potentially more vulnerable to Covid based severe illness should they catch the virus. Increased adipose tissue increases how much Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) your body produces. This...
World Obesity Day, Wednesday 4th March 2020
People with obesity are constantly shamed and blamed for their disease. This is because many people - including doctors, policymakers, and others - do not understand that obesity is a chronic disease. They see it as a simple lack of willpower, laziness, or a...
How do I know if I’m eligible for bariatric surgery?
In 2020 it’s hard not to have some understanding of what bariatric surgery is and it’s purpose for those suffering from obesity. But unfortunately, even in a time when there is so much awareness around the obesity epidemic gripping the western nations, there is still...
Intermittent Fasting for Maintenance of Weight Loss
You may have heard of intermittent fasting, the 5:2 diet, eat-stop-eat, the 16/8 method… there are many different names for intermittent fasting but essentially they all follow the same theory of having periods during which you can eat “normally” and periods of...
Support Group Meeting 7th August 2019
Our dietitian Tania was the speaker at our Support Group this month, where the primary focus was understanding food labels and new high protein products that are now available on the market, and how to incorporate these into your diet. Understanding food labels Food...
Why walking is the best exercise
For those out there that aren’t big fans of exercise (and the sceptics that struggle to believe that anybody actually enjoys exercising) then this blog is likely going to make your day. If you don’t like or can’t handle rigorous exercise, struggle to find time to get...