A Guide to Success After Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is a fantastic tool to be used to help those that are obese or morbidly obese to reduce their excess weight dramatically. Studies show that 90% of patients are able to lose and maintain a weight loss of 50% excess weight or more. In order to be...
Minimum Weekly Exercise Guidelines
It’s that time again when the new year’s resolutions have come and gone, and people are slowly slipping back into their old routines. One of your goals this year might have been to exercise more, but maybe you are finding this difficult to stick to and are now...
Getting Pregnant After Bariatric Surgery
Can I get pregnant following bariatric surgery? This is a question we are commonly asked. Following bariatric surgery, most women find their fertility rapidly improves. So much may your fertility improve over the first couple of months that it may be possible...
Healthy Habits and Bariatric Surgery
As we start 2018 everybody seems to become very conscious of making healthy choices; this isn’t in our nature, but it is typically because everywhere you turn there are ads for fitness classes, ‘drop 3 dress sizes in 3 weeks’ with our slimming shakes, ‘new year new...
Sleep and Weight Loss
When you are on the road to a healthier lifestyle you become very conscious of the food/drink you are consuming and how active you are, for example how far and often you walk or exercise. But have you ever considered that sleep is one of the most effective things we...
Walk your way to a healthier lifestyle
“If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” Dolly Parton Walking. This is an activity that most of us who can walk take for granted and don’t give it a second thought. Walking is the most popular physical activity undertaken; it’s...