Patient Portal

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Why hasn’t my bariatric surgery worked?

Why hasn’t my bariatric surgery worked?

All surgical procedures for obesity, both old and new, are designed to change how the person processes food. Although many of these procedures are designed to be permanent, in reality not all the effects of the surgery are permanent. All patients perceive their...

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Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients

Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients

‘The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients’ by Colleen M. Cook has become a bariatric bestseller and the research-based principles taught here continue to be a standard for success throughout the bariatric community. These principles are now taught in...

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Can you stretch your stomach after gastric sleeve surgery?

Can you stretch your stomach after gastric sleeve surgery?

Weight gain following bariatric surgery, whether it be gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, can occur in patients for a variety or combination of different reasons. Gastric sleeve surgery restricts the volume of the stomach to 15 - 20% of its original size, but the...

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Interview with Dr Jennifer Matthei – Bariatric Specialist

Interview with Dr Jennifer Matthei – Bariatric Specialist

Let’s start at the beginning Jenny, how long have you been doing this?  I’ve been working at Upper GI Surgery for 5 years now, specialising in the management of obesity and bariatric care. But before joining the team at UGIS I was a GP for many years, encountering...

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Easter Eating Tips for Bariatric Patients

Easter Eating Tips for Bariatric Patients

There are many Easter food traditions around the world and amongst many different cultures.  Glazed cooked ham or hot cross buns may be more traditional in Australia but a leg of lamb is one of the most common foods to celebrate Easter in a lot of European cultures....

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Interview with Dr Jason Maani – Bariatric Surgeon Sydney

Interview with Dr Jason Maani – Bariatric Surgeon Sydney

We would like to give our followers the opportunity to get to know our medical team here at Upper GI Surgery a little bit better. We recently asked one of our bariatric surgeons, Dr Jason Maani, to participate in a quick interview to get to know him a little better....

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