Patient Portal

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Getting Pregnant After Bariatric Surgery

Getting Pregnant After Bariatric Surgery

Can I get pregnant following bariatric surgery?     This is a question we are commonly asked. Following bariatric surgery, most women find their fertility rapidly improves. So much may your fertility improve over the first couple of months that it may be possible...

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Healthy Eating Over Christmas

Healthy Eating Over Christmas

It’s that time of year again - the decorations are up, the Christmas songs are playing on the radio, the supermarkets have chocolate on the end of every shelf and Christmas parties/gatherings are in full swing. For most of us this is a time of year that we use the...

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Recognising when you are full

Recognising when you are full

When eating a delicious and nutritious meal it’s very hard for most of us to stop when we are full, as it’s so tasty right? Or you’ve been raised as a child to eat everything on your plate so you don’t waste food and it’s stuck with you? Whatever your reason, the...

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Snacking after bariatric surgery – why to avoid

Snacking after bariatric surgery – why to avoid

With so many different fad diets floating around today we are constantly exposed to mixed messages about diet and what is okay and what isn’t. A common misconception that is promoted is to eat five small meals a day, or that you should have a morning/afternoon snack...

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Healthy Habits and Bariatric Surgery

Healthy Habits and Bariatric Surgery

As we start 2018 everybody seems to become very conscious of making healthy choices; this isn’t in our nature, but it is typically because everywhere you turn there are ads for fitness classes, ‘drop 3 dress sizes in 3 weeks’ with our slimming shakes, ‘new year new...

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Avoid unwanted Kilos over the Festive season

Avoid unwanted Kilos over the Festive season

Christmas can be a difficult time if you are trying to lose weight. It’s all those parties, the abundance of food, the indulgent treats and of course the alcohol consumption which can make it so hard to stay on track. Preventing Christmas weight gain can be a...

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