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Gastric Band Surgery Information

Gastric Band Surgery Information

Today’s blog is going to look a little deeper into gastric band surgery. When most people think of weight loss surgery they typically think of gastric band surgery, as it has been so widely reported in the media over recent years. It is also very popular amongst...

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Disparities in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Disparities in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

It’s hard to walk down the street these days without being approached by a charity worker who is looking for people to donate to their cause. Often you find these campaigners are looking for donations for a cancer related charity, along with advertisements on the...

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Upper GI at St Vincent’s Clinic

Upper GI at St Vincent’s Clinic

The Upper GI Surgery practice has been operating from St George Private Hospital in Kogarah for the last 14 years. As well as our practice here in Sydney we also have additional clinics in Wollongong and Orange. We have recently expanded our practice locations to...

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Obesity and Ethnicity

Obesity and Ethnicity

The obesity crisis that Australia is facing isn’t an isolated incident. For years America has reported on their population’s expanding waistlines, as have other countries around the world. But is this a western problem? Is it isolated to a particular race, as we can...

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Australia’s Obesity Gap – Suburban versus Regional

Australia’s Obesity Gap – Suburban versus Regional

We already know that Australia is facing an obesity epidemic; it has been widely documented in research, in the press and by medical professionals. In 2014-15 an estimated 11.2 million Australian adults were overweight or obese. The problem is more prevalent in males...

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