We held our final support group of 2016 on Thursday 25th of November, finishing the year with a discussion about emotional eating. The meeting was lead by our psychologist Fiona and our practice nurse Tania. The aim of this meeting was to help our patients understand:
- What is emotional eating?
- What are the problems associated with emotional eating?
By identifying what emotional eating is the group was then able to understand reasons why people may eat based on the emotions they are feeling. By identifying that emotional eating can be a barrier to weight loss or weight maintenance, we can then understand how to overcome this. Fiona then discussed alternative behaviours and strategies to prevent emotional eating.
One of the concepts that Fiona discussed to help overcome emotional eating is the role of “nurturing yourself”; meaning ways to comfort and take care of yourself without using food. Stress can be a contributor to emotional eating, so ideas on how to manage stress were discussed; as well as the importance of sleep, as lack of sleep can lead to people overeating through fatigue.
All of our support group meetings cover different topics each time and we will often introduce guest speakers in addition to our psychologist Fiona and practice nurse Tania. We hold our support group meetings for our weight loss patients throughout the year, please see the schedule for 2017 support groups:
Wednesday 8th of February 2017
Wednesday 17th of May 2017
Wednesday 16th of August 2017
Wednesday 29th of November 2017
Attending our support groups has been proven to help our patients not only lose weight initially, but keep them on track to maintain that weight loss and not slip into previous unhealthy habits. If you are interested in attending any of our future support groups please contact our team on 02 9553 1120 and they will be able to book you a place.