At Upper GI Surgery we encourage all our weight loss surgery patients to attend our quarterly support group meetings as part of their post-surgery aftercare. Those who attend the support groups find them to be an important part of their lifestyle change.

At each support group we discuss topics that deal with different issues patients may face following surgery and help deal with these situations correctly.

On Wednesday 29th November we had our last Bariatric Support Meeting for 2017 and Tania Chaanine our Dietitian was guest speaker, she spoke about “The Bariatric Diet”.

After weight loss surgery, it is important to consume adequate amounts of protein; this not only helps us feel more satiated after a meal but it supports many important functions in our body.

Inadequate amounts especially after bariatric surgery can lead to muscle wasting, hair loss, fatigue, poor weight loss and poor weight maintenance long term.

In our support group we discussed the importance of adequate protein intake without compromising on a fairly balanced diet.

Getting enough protein from food sources was the emphasis of our discussion.

Our next support group meetings can be viewed here: Bariatric Patient Support. Please reserve your place for our Support Groups at least one week in advance of the meeting. If you would like to reserve your place please call us on (02) 9553 1120.


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