Weight Loss Surgery

Woman in denim shirt with turquoise background
What’s dumping syndrome?

What’s dumping syndrome?

If you’re considering bariatric surgery as a tool to aid weight loss, there are many factors to consider, including risks, before you commit to surgery. Dumping syndrome is quite common among patients who have had stomach surgery, occurring when undigested food passes...

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Why protein is important after weight loss surgery

Why protein is important after weight loss surgery

Weight loss surgery is an effective tool to help you achieve weight loss, but long-term success is determined by diet and lifestyle changes. After surgery the focus should be on sustainable eating and exercise habits, maintenance of nutrition by eating healthy foods...

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Heart Bypass vs Gastric Bypass – an eyeopener

Heart Bypass vs Gastric Bypass – an eyeopener

As well as creating our own content around the topic of obesity and life-changing treatment, we are constantly exploring others' ideas and opinions. We discovered an article, A Sad Tale of 2 Bypass Surgeries, that has an interesting way of demonstrating the...

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Weight loss surgery & type 2 diabetes treatment

Weight loss surgery & type 2 diabetes treatment

Nearly a million Australians (aged 18 and over) had type 2 diabetes in 2017 - 2018 (ABS). This information is only based on self-reported data, so is likely to underestimate the real prevalence of this disease. Type 2 diabetes is a complex condition in which the body...

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3 Stages of weight loss after bariatric surgery

3 Stages of weight loss after bariatric surgery

If you’ve recently had bariatric surgery or are considering bariatric surgery as a way to lose weight, today we are going to explain the three distinct phases of weight loss following surgery. Each phase requires different advice to ensure that patients are not only...

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Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar – what you need to know

Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar – what you need to know

If you’ve visited the weight loss surgery section of our website or followed us on social media, you have probably encountered the promotion of our Bariatric Surgery Information Webinar. If you or a loved one are living with obesity and considering bariatric surgery...

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