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The 4th of March annually marks World Obesity Day – a day that calls for a unified, cross-sector response to the obesity crisis worldwide. World Obesity Day aims to encourage people to recognise the root causes of obesity, increase knowledge of the disease and tackle weight stigma, acting to improve the world’s understanding, prevention and treatment of obesity.

This year the World Obesity Day campaign theme is ‘Let’s talk about obesity &__’. The three focus areas are Health, Youth and the World Around Us, to start cross-cutting conversations and create ways to address obesity together. The ability to see obesity from many different perspectives highlights the increasing need for real change. 

If you’d like to learn more about World Obesity Day you can visit the website where you will find lots of useful information – https://www.worldobesityday.org/

eating out after bariatric surgery
Prof Michael Talbot

Spreading the Word

World Obesity Day has been operating since 2016, growing with popularity and presence every year. Around the world others are also advocating for those living with obesity. For example, ‘The Big Truth’ is a European advocacy group that aims to promote the ‘real science’ behind obesity and overcome the stigma that obesity is a person’s fault. To find out more you can visit their website – https://obesitythebigtruth.eu/


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