Analogy – a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
Bariatric surgery is often viewed by the world as a ‘quick’, ‘easy’, ‘lazy’ way to lose weight. It is viewed as a ‘one off’ operation that will fix a persons weight issue and return them to a stable, healthy weight. As much as it would fantastic if that were the case, unfortunately obesity is a chronic progressive disease, meaning that someone will have to deal with this condition for the rest of their lives, which of course means that over time a person may suffer a relapse and require further treatment or therapy.
Our resident GP, Bariatric Practitioner Dr Georgia Rigas has provided us with a very useful analogy for managing obesity following weight loss surgery.
Georgia’s analogy is that of a road. People expect that following bariatric surgery the road will be very much like a motorway; flat, straight and easy, you can almost just press cruise control and just keep driving without any incidence. As we know, this isn’t the case. There will be some windy roads and some challenging turns. You will find that you come across obstructions and barriers that you didn’t see as you were coming around that last corner. You may even go backwards to try to find your way, and then end up where you started. And let’s not forget that change in weather and the blizzard that stops you seeing the light and leaves you feeling hopeless.
As bariatric doctors and surgeons we can’t drive the car for you, you’re in the driver’s seat, but what we will do is hold your map, give you directions, providing support and guidance throughout your journey.
If you’re struggling to find your way on your own, then consider your traffic lights to help guide you.
Green Light
- You have visited the clinic a minimum of one time, but you see your GP every three months to track your progress.
- You’re weighing yourself at least once a week and your weight is stable (+/- 1-2kg).
- Blood tests to check your vitamins & minerals at least twice a year.
- Participating in moderate intensity exercise at least three times a week.
- Meal planning & prepping (the majority of the time).
- Eating three small but nutritious meals a day to get the right food into your body.
- Engaging in mindful eating, i.e. asking yourself “am I really hungry? Or am I eating because I’m bored/stressed/just because it was offered”.
If you’re light is green you are travelling well.
Amber Light
- Gained 3kg or more.
- Unsure why you have gained weight.
- Unsure what you can do to turn things around.
If your light is amber you should ring and arrange to be seen by your doctor, dietitian or psychologist (or all) within the next couple of months to get you back on track.
Red Light
- Gained 5kg or more.
- Weight related health conditions are starting to relapse, for example your diabetes has returned or your knees ache again.
- You find yourself mindlessly eating.
- You have found that you are replacing your love of food with something else such as alcohol, gambling, shopping for example.
If your light is red you should arrange to be seen by your doctor, dietitian or psychologist (or all) within the next month or two to help you get back on track and resume your journey towards a healthy life.