Depending on the weight loss procedure your surgeon recommends as part of your treatment, the result is generally the same; your ability to eat large quantities of food and liquids will be greatly reduced, forcing you to change your eating habits (for the immediate future).
Many believe that having a smaller stomach will be a “quick fix” that will result in long-term weight loss as you can’t eat large volumes of food, so surely you can’t overeat? Unfortunately, this is most definitely not the case.
Just because you are now limited in the amount you can eat, it is vital that you consider the quality of the foods and liquids that you do consume. For example it may be difficult to eat a large pizza, however foods like ice-cream melt when consumed so allow for larger volumes to be eaten. Most ice-creams are incredibly high in bad fats and calories, as are sugary fizzy drinks. Following a diet that will provide you with the nutrients your body requires as well as leaving you satisfied, in a smaller portion size, is something that will be crucial to your long-term weight loss goals. If you are struggling with the types of food you should and shouldn’t be eating you should consult your nutritionist.
The other side of this issue is that although your stomach may be smaller now, or the quantity of food you can consume at one time is limited, this is not a permanent condition. Over time as a result of the body adjusting, the once smaller space can grow over time. This means that patients can gradually eat larger amounts of food and again risk overeating and consuming too many “empty” calories, resulting in weight gain.
Developing healthy eating habits following weight loss surgery is key to the success of your surgery and long-term weight loss for a healthier life. At Upper GI Surgery we offer support groups for our patients to attend that provide advice and guidance on these issues to ensure they have the best possible chance of succeeding.