
Woman in denim shirt with turquoise background
Eating healthy when eating out after bariatric surgery

Eating healthy when eating out after bariatric surgery

Following bariatric surgery, the changes to diet can be quite challenging for a lot of people. Weight loss surgery is designed to change the way you consume food and some procedures even permanently alter the way your body processes food. So what you choose to eat...

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Saying no to soft drinks after bariatric surgery

Saying no to soft drinks after bariatric surgery

It's very easy to consume more calories than you may expect throughout the day. Whether you’re picking at your children’s food while you’re preparing their lunches, having a sneaky teaspoon of sugar in your morning coffee or having a nice cool refreshing can of soft...

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Intermittent Fasting for Maintenance of Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting for Maintenance of Weight Loss

You may have heard of intermittent fasting, the 5:2 diet, eat-stop-eat, the 16/8 method… there are many different names for intermittent fasting but essentially they all follow the same theory of having periods during which you can eat “normally” and periods of...

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Recognising when you are full

Recognising when you are full

When eating a delicious and nutritious meal it’s very hard for most of us to stop when we are full, as it’s so tasty right? Or you’ve been raised as a child to eat everything on your plate so you don’t waste food and it’s stuck with you? Whatever your reason, the...

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Snacking after bariatric surgery – why to avoid

Snacking after bariatric surgery – why to avoid

With so many different fad diets floating around today we are constantly exposed to mixed messages about diet and what is okay and what isn’t. A common misconception that is promoted is to eat five small meals a day, or that you should have a morning/afternoon snack...

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