Hints & Tips

Woman in denim shirt with turquoise background
Recognising when you are full

Recognising when you are full

When eating a delicious and nutritious meal it’s very hard for most of us to stop when we are full, as it’s so tasty right? Or you’ve been raised as a child to eat everything on your plate so you don’t waste food and it’s stuck with you? Whatever your reason, the...

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Healthy Habits and Bariatric Surgery

Healthy Habits and Bariatric Surgery

As we start 2018 everybody seems to become very conscious of making healthy choices; this isn’t in our nature, but it is typically because everywhere you turn there are ads for fitness classes, ‘drop 3 dress sizes in 3 weeks’ with our slimming shakes, ‘new year new...

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Avoid unwanted Kilos over the Festive season

Avoid unwanted Kilos over the Festive season

Christmas can be a difficult time if you are trying to lose weight. It’s all those parties, the abundance of food, the indulgent treats and of course the alcohol consumption which can make it so hard to stay on track. Preventing Christmas weight gain can be a...

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Prevent Unwanted Kilos This Christmas

Prevent Unwanted Kilos This Christmas

Cooking for Christmas while still following healthy eating guidelines after weight loss surgery, is achievable. This is a good opportunity to make Christmas a little bit different this year and a lot healthier. There is no need to feel like you’re missing out either,...

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Eating Meals During Ramadan After Weight Loss Surgery

Eating Meals During Ramadan After Weight Loss Surgery

“Eat of the good and wholesome things that We have provided for your sustenance, but indulge in no excess therein” (Qur’an 20:185) Quoted directly from the Qur’an, Ramadan is not an excuse to overeat when you can eat, or consume foods that have little to no substance...

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Surviving Easter Celebrations!

Surviving Easter Celebrations!

No one wants to feel deprived or miss out at special times of the year such as Easter. We can't always control the types of food available during celebrations but, with a little preparation, we can try to make healthier choices and watch our portions to avoid weight...

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