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When eating a delicious and nutritious meal it’s very hard for most of us to stop when we are full, as it’s so tasty right? Or you’ve been raised as a child to eat everything on your plate so you don’t waste food and it’s stuck with you? Whatever your reason, the majority of us can find ourselves overeating and becoming uncomfortably full during meal times.
Bariatric surgery is designed to limit the amount of food that you can consume. But over time the stomach can expand allowing for greater volumes of food to be consumed, so it becomes increasingly important to become of portion sizes as well as how much you are eating. But how do you know how much is too much?
Well the first step is thinking about how you feel while you are eating. Our friends at BN Multi have created this fantastic guide to your levels of hunger below.
Ideally we should be reaching somewhere between levels 5 & 6 following a well balanced and satisfying meal. But sadly this isn’t always the case. If you are regularly finding that you are eating too much and reaching the higher levels (7 – 10) then maybe consider changing the way you consume the food on your plate. BN Multi have given a great example of how to do this in the below infographic.
But what if you aren’t feeling full and you haven’t reached levels 5 or 6 after eating? Well depending on how fast you have consumed your food, your body can’t actually register how full you are for around twenty minutes, yes that’s twenty minutes after you’ve eaten. So before you decide to grab a second portion of your yummy dinner or lunch, wait a while and see if you still feel hungry.
We hope that you found this blog post interesting and helpful. For more information on bariatric surgery options please contact our team on 02 9553 1120.