Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy; POEM; A swan song for heller myotomy?
Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) is a method of creating an oesophageal myotomy for achalasia and other oesophageal motor disorders that has established itself as credible alternative to laparoscopic myotomy. We (Jason Maani, Payal Saxena and Michael Talbot)...
The Benefits of Reflux Surgery
Anyone who suffers from heartburn will tell you how uncomfortable it is to enjoy simple pleasures like eating and drinking. Although there is an abundance of tablets and liquids available both over the counter and on prescription, they aren’t always 100 percent...
Quick Tips for Ramadan and Fasting After Weight Loss Surgery
Quick Tips for Ramadan and Fasting After Weight Loss Surgery Don’t fall off the weight loss wagon, using Ramadan as the excuse that pushed you off! It’s important to continue eating your normal healthy diet. All of your meal should remain based on lean protein foods...
Subspecialty Approach for Management of Acute Cholecystitis
Talk at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Meeting in Brisbane by Sonia Tran, Amjid Riaz, Joel Zhou, Kirsten Hepburn and Michael Talbot An association between creation of an Acute Surgical Unit (ASU) and improved outcomes in the management of acute...
The Effect of Sprayable Adhesion Barriers in Revisional Obesity Surgery (SABROS); A Pilot Study
Talk at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Meeting in Brisbane by: Ahmed Rahman, Amjid Riaz, William Hawkins and Michael Talbot Revision Bariatric surgery is technically demanding and associated with high morbidity rates due to formation of adhesions and...
Why our weight loss surgery is banded
Weight loss surgery is designed in general to restrict the amount of food that a patient is able to consume following surgery. However as we have covered in one of our previous blogs (Making the most of a smaller stomach after surgery), just because the volumes you...